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Good news to share ! |
Dear friends and colleagues,
In the current context, more than ever, we want the books we print and our work as a publisher to be full of meaning. Our books might be fiction but they speak of freedom and teach us to trust in humankind.
Here are some pieces of news worth celebrating.
Should you wish to receive any of these books, please do not hesitate to let me know.
With all good wishes,
Maÿlis Vauterin
maylis.vauterin@viviane-hamy.fr |
New release : « The heart of the Pelican » by Cécile Coulon. Rocky meets Forrest Gump ! |
The week of its publication, the novel of Cécile Coulon entered the French fiction bestseller’s list of L’Express straight as n°26.
The text has been warmly praised as ”a delicate, cruel and physical novel ” (Lire), highlighting “the pleasure, which it seems is innate in her, in telling stories ; the relaxed stride of those who trust in their imagination to invent entire lives” (Livres Hebdo). Among other good news, it will open the book section of ELLE magazine next week.
Take an impeccable, punchy style, and a main character who is both engaging and repelling but so human that you canot help but identify with him. Mix these ingredients with rage and courage, and you have “The heart of the Pelican” : a wonderful tale by one of the most gifted French authors of her generation. |
« Arab jazz » by Karim Miské : let the adventures continue ! (Full English translation available) |
Set in the 18th arrondissement in Paris, the peace of this cosmopolitan and multi-religious district is shattered, when a woman is found murdered…
Grand Prix de Littérature Policière 2012, Grand Prix des lecteurs de Points 2014, Winner of the English Pen Award. Listed in Die Zeit bestsellers list in 2014.
This long seller has now reached 30,000 copies in France and has already been translated into 5 languages with success. Foreign rights are still free in many countries notably Holland, Scandinavia, Russia…etc.
In February, Arab jazz will be released in the UK by MacLehose Press. In the Independent, Karim Miské, born from a Mauritanian Muslim father and a French leftist mother gives his enlightened perspective on the Charlie Hebdo Events. To read the article, click here. |
« The Archangel of chaos » by Dominique Sylvain : deep into the Gehenna of your worst nightmares ! |
German rights sold to Piper Verlag in Germany before publication ! To be released in France next week.
The martyred body of a nurse is found in a warehouse : the victim has been chained up and tortured to death, and her tongue torn out. A woman, Franka Kehlmann, is investigating within the very masculine Commandant Carat’s section. She will have to prove herself in the field.
In its pre-publication review, the Figaro Littéraire underlined : “a suffocating rhythm, sentences like lasers […]. It is not intrigue which makes this a good story. No, the atmosphere, the relations between colleagues, the humanity, and the errors in the investigation reveal something else altogether more thrilling […]. It only remains to be said that The Archangel of Chaos, despite the darkness surrounding the case, successfully slips in a lot of tenderness and some poetry”. |
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