Dominique SYLVAIN
Deep in Tokyo’s red-light district, Eros and Thanatos are closely entwined : a heinous murder takes place and an investigation is conducted at lightning speed.
The seductive Yudai is a talented gigolo of Kabukicho. In this universe full of appearances and false confidence, he has made a friend, Kate Sanders, a young British woman and hostess at the Gaïa Club owned by the elegant Sanae. When Kate disappears in mysterious circumstances, Yudai, and her flatmate and colleague, Marie, are overcome with worry.
Alerted by a disturbing photo of Kate asleep and a message sent to his mobile, Kate’s father, Jason Sanders, lands in Tokyo to try to find out what has happened to his daughter. He moves heaven and earth and steps up the investigation which is unfolding at a rhythm set by the seemingly very calm Superintendent Yamada.
But still waters run deep. Yamada locates the victim’s mobile near Lake Chiba and manages to find the body; Kate has been tied up and buried alive in her prettiest dress. Which mysterious lover had she met that day? The Kabukicho trap seems to have closed over her.