Thrillers/noir Novels

The Archangel of Chaos

Dominique SYLVAIN


Franka Kehlmann tracks a serial killer who takes his victims through the Gehenna of their worst nightmares.

Franka Kehlmann started out with a shining career in finance. When she joins the world of crime there is nothing to predict that she will find her place in Commandant Carat’s section. As a protégé of Chief Superintendent Christine Santini, she will have to prove herself in the field.

The martyred body of a nurse is found in a Parisian warehouse : the victim has been chained up and tortured to death, adn her tongue torn out. But the killer has carefully prepared and laid out the body post-mortem. The torturer’s obsessive profile suggests he will not stop there...

About the author

Dominique SYLVAIN
Dominique Sylvain est née le 30 septembre 1957 à Thionville en (...)

Other books by the same author

Une femme de rêve

Woman of my dream

Paru le 05-11-2019
Les Infidèles

The Unfaithful

Paru le 01-02-2018


Dominique SYLVAIN

Paru le 28-09-2016
Ombres et soleil

Darkness and Light

Paru le 20-03-2014
Le Roi Lézard

The Lizard King

Paru le 15-03-2012
La Nuit de Geronimo

In The Deep Night Of Geronimo

Paru le 02-03-2009
L'Absence de l'ogre

The Missing Ogre

Paru le 04-05-2007
Manta corridor

Manta corridor

Paru le 17-03-2006
La Fille du samourai

The Samouraï’s daughter

Paru le 15-04-2005
Passage du désir

Passage of desire

Paru le 17-03-2004
Techno bobo

Techno Bohemian

Paru le 16-04-1999

Other Foreign right books

Soleil de juin

Soleil de juin


Thomas Oussin

J'ai 7 ans

I am 7


Laurent Dutheil

Terres brûlées

The Burned Lands


Eric Todenne

L'Étoile du temple

The Star of the Temple




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