Thrillers/noir Novels

Seeking whom he may devour


Already sold in 40 countries

“ Ingenious. Slick, creepy and full of engaging odd characters, this thriller is a class act. ”, The Independent

In this frightening and surprising novel, the eccentric,wayward genius of Commissaire Adamsberg is pitted against the deep-rooted mysteries of one Alpine village’s history and a very present problem: wolves.Disturbing things have been happening up in the French mountains; more and more sheep are being found with their throats torn out. The evidence points to a wolf of unnatural size and strength. However Suzanne Rosselin thinks it is the work of a werewolf. Then Suzanne is found slaughtered in the same manner.Her friend Camille attempts, with Suzanne’s son Soliman and her shepherd, Watchee, to find out who, or what, is responsible and they call on Commissaire Adamsberg for help.

Source : Vintage books

About the author

Fred Vargas (ENG)
Although, at the start, she was taken for a man because of her pen (...)

Other books by the same author

L'Armée furieuse

The Furious Army

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 18-05-2011
Un lieu incertain

An uncertain place

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 25-06-2008
Dans les bois éternels

This night’s foul work

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 03-05-2006
Sous les vents de Neptune

Wash this blood clean from my (...)

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 24-03-2004
Pars vite et reviens tard

Have mercy on us all

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 15-10-2001
L'Homme aux cercles bleus

The Chalk circle man

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 23-04-1996

Other Foreign right books

Soleil de juin

Soleil de juin


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J'ai 7 ans

I am 7


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Terres brûlées

The Burned Lands


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L'Étoile du temple

The Star of the Temple




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