Thrillers/noir Novels

The Chalk circle man


Already sold in 40 countries

The Chalk Circle Man is the first book featuring Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg, one of the most engaging characters in contemporary detective fiction.

Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg is not like other policemen. His methods appear unorthodox in the extreme: he doesn’t search for clues; he ignores obvious suspects and arrests people with cast-iron alibis; he appears permanently distracted. In spite of all this his colleagues are forced to admit that he is highly successful - a born cop.

When strange blue chalk circles start appearing overnight on the pavements of Paris, the press take up the story with amusement and psychiatrists trot out their theories. Adamsberg is alone in thinking this is not a game and far from amusing. He insists on being kept informed of new circles and the increasingly bizarre objects which they contain: a pigeon’s foot, four cigarette lighters, a badge proclaiming ’I Love Elvis’, a hat, a doll’s head. Adamsberg senses the cruelty that lies behind these seemingly random occurrences. Soon a circle with decidedly less banal contents is discovered: the body of a woman with her throat savagely cut. Adamsberg knows that other murders will follow.

The Chalk Circle Man is the first book featuring Jean-Baptiste Adamsberg, one of the most engaging characters in contemporary detective fiction.

Source : Vintage books

About the author

Fred Vargas (ENG)
Although, at the start, she was taken for a man because of her pen (...)

Other books by the same author

L'Armée furieuse

The Furious Army

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 18-05-2011
Un lieu incertain

An uncertain place

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 25-06-2008
Dans les bois éternels

This night’s foul work

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 03-05-2006
Sous les vents de Neptune

Wash this blood clean from my (...)

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 24-03-2004
Pars vite et reviens tard

Have mercy on us all

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 15-10-2001
L'Homme à l'envers

Seeking whom he may devour

Fred Vargas (ENG)

Paru le 18-03-1999

Other Foreign right books

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The Star of the Temple




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