Thrillers/noir Novels

Murder at Isla Negra


After Proust, Yourcenar and Colette, Estelle Monbrun once again gets inspiration from a writer’s universe to write a detective novel over an historical backdrop : Spanish political refugees who arrived in France after the fall of Barcelona in 1939 and were dumped in camps, while Neruda chartered a boat, the Winnipeg, helping them to get back to Chili.

On this island, la villa Pablo Neruda, "built as a P on a promontory overlooking the house of Chili’s most famous poet", welcomes artists of all kinds. One morning, Maria Loncomilla, the unhappy chambermaid, is forced to confront the formidable Villa director to inform her of the disappearance of Celia Martin, one of the guests...

Press reviews


« Like tasting fine jam, one takes a delectable pleasure in following this story in which all the complex and fragile characters, speaking in their own voice, each seem to want to catch the attention of the reader. The narrator, diabolically skillful, quite talented in exploring souls and decrypting the twists and turns of history, builds a real suspensful thriller tinged with a keen irony for the environment she describes and a true tenderness for others. We warmly recommend this novel as well as all her previous works. »

About the author

Estelle Monbrun (ENG)
A former student of Léonard Limosin secondary school and with a PhD in (...)

Other books by the same author

Meurtre à Montaigne

Murder in Montaigne

Estelle Monbrun (ENG)

Paru le 23-04-2019
Meurtre à Petite Plaisance

Murder at Petite-Plaisance

Estelle Monbrun (ENG)

Paru le 17-04-1998
Meurtre chez tante Léonie

The Murder of Aunt Léonie

Estelle Monbrun (ENG)

Paru le 17-03-1994

Other Foreign right books

Soleil de juin

Soleil de juin


Thomas Oussin

J'ai 7 ans

I am 7


Laurent Dutheil

Terres brûlées

The Burned Lands


Eric Todenne

L'Étoile du temple

The Star of the Temple




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