
Karim Miské

Antoine Silvestri

This is the unforgettable tale of a little boy growing up between two cultures: his father’s Muslim Mauritanian culture and his mother’s French, feminist, communist culture.

The graphic novel opens with his beloved grandfather, now senile, letting slip the unspeakable word, « bastard!”. Once said, it hangs in the air: he is French for his « Arab brothers » and a foreigner for the native-born French.

Later, his mother who is engaged in the communist cause takes him to Albania where he discovers the absurdity of totalitarianism with his own eyes and a child‘s common sense.

To refuse to belong to a religion, an ideology, a social class, a “race”. To never choose a side. This is the story of one who feels an “outcast” and decides to make an identity out of it.

About the author

Karim Miské (ENG)
Karim Miske was born in 1964 in Abidjan to a Mauritanian father and a (...)

Other books by the same author



Karim Miské (ENG)

Paru le 02-06-2015
Arab jazz

Arab jazz

Karim Miské (ENG)

Paru le 15-03-2012

Other Foreign right books

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The Star of the Temple




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