The Fortress

Róbert HÁSZ

Foreign rights : Germany (Klett-Cotta) - Italy (Nottetempo)

Maxim Livius is a young reserve officer whose military service ending. His country is disintegrating, and there are unmistakable signs of decay in the army as well. Shortly before his discharge, he is sent to a fortress in the mountains.

Cut off from the outside world, nothing appears as it should be : the food is excellent, commands are largely ignored, the soldiers mustn’t carry weapons... and no one can understand the reason why. The language can be compared to Kafka, Borges and Eco, and the story to Buzatti’s The Tartares Steppe.

About the author

Robert Hász (ENG)
Róbert Hász was born on 1 November 1964 in Doroslovo, Vojvodina, in the (...)

Other books by the same author

Le Prince et le moine

The Prince and the Monk

Robert Hász (ENG)

Paru le 10-09-2007
Le Jardin de Diogène

The Garden of Diogenes

Robert Hász (ENG)

Paru le 04-02-2001

Other Foreign right books

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The Star of the Temple




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