The Fawn


Eszter is a famous actress. Her poor and frustrating childhood suddenly resurfaces the day she discovers that Angelina, the perfect little girl from her village, has married the man she loved.

In the form of confiding in the man, she recounts the moments when she had to earn a few pennies everyday. She also tells of the jealousy that haunts her: Angelina had everything, including a fawn given to entretain her...

Eszter will destroy this perfect little world just like the war destroyed her own life. And years later, when they meet again, the same jealousy takes over her.

A lively depiction of Hungarian society during the interwar years, The Fawn is Magda Szabo’s second novel, written in 1959 (nearly 30 years before The Door).

Regarding The Door – and this could also apply to The Fawn – Christine Ferniot of the magazine Télérama wrote: « Navigating from naturalistic novel to intimist narrative, from humorous anecdote to a drama typical of Balzac, from social account to thriller, here the author plays brilliantly with styles.»

About the author

Magda Szabó (ENG)
Magda Szabó was born in Debrecen in 1917 to a highly educated family of (...)

Other books by the same author



Magda Szabó (ENG)

Paru le 07-07-2017
La Ballade d'Iza

Iza’s Ballad

Magda Szabó (ENG)

Paru le 04-03-2009
Le Vieux puits

The Old Well

Magda Szabó (ENG)

Paru le 25-02-2009
L'Instant - La Créüside

The Moment

Magda Szabó (ENG)

Paru le 25-02-2009
Rue Katalin

Katalin Street

Magda Szabó (ENG)

Paru le 02-10-2006
La Porte

The Door

Magda Szabó (ENG)

Paru le 27-08-2003

Other Foreign right books

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Soleil de juin


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The Star of the Temple




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