Hotel Waldheim

François VALLEJO

« Listening to her, it was quite a remarkable feat, at 16 years old, to have wiped everything out, and so it goes on. Yet, by mindlessly blathering on, I began to prove to her and to myself that I had got myself into some bizarre situations. If someone had said to me yesterday, “You behaved like the most despicable voyeur” because I walked in on a couple in bed, I would never have believed it. It all came back to me automatically, in front of this girl in her armchair. I felt her breath on my skin… incredible what she infuses in me. Almost without wanting to, I reconstructed the forgotten scene. And others. In the end she’ll convince me that I’m hiding something from her. That I’m hiding something from myself? It was like meeting a stranger called Jeff Valdera. And talking of strangers, she sits there too, with her persistent questions.”

During his stays with his aunt in Davos, in Hotel Waldheim, had the teenager Jeff Valdera been nothing more than a pawn in a game of chess where the East and West were fighting it out during the Cold War?

Invent your memory or invent your life? That is the question Francois Vallejo tries to answer with Hotel Waldheim, his most intimate novel. But is this not the same quest that runs throughout his work of 20 years, from Madame Angeloso (prix France Télévisions), to West (prix du Livre Inter) and even A Dangerous Pleasure?

About the author

François Vallejo (ENG)
Francois Vallejo knows more and more where he comes from and seeks (...)

Other books by the same author

Un dangereux plaisir

A Dangerous pleasure

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 25-08-2016
Fleur et Sang

Blossom and Blood

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 09-07-2014


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 20-07-2012
Les Sœurs brelan

The Brelan sisters

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 26-08-2010
L'Incendie du Chiado

The Burning of the Chiado

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 15-08-2008


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 04-05-2007


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 25-08-2006
Le Voyage des grands hommes

Travels of the great men

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 13-01-2005


François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 05-09-2003
Madame Angeloso

Madam Angeloso

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 24-08-2001
Pirouettes dans les ténèbres

Pirouettes in the Darkness

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 10-01-2000
Vacarme dans la salle de bal

Ruckus in the Ballroom

François Vallejo (ENG)

Paru le 26-08-1998

Other Foreign right books

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