Icarus betrayed

Jean-Paul Auffray (ENG)

Icarus betrayed is a tale centred on the figure of Évariste Galois (1811-1832), a unique mathematical genius who came to a tragic end, ergo Icarus. He is universally renowned for his Galois Theory, which has given way to unprecedented algebraic solutions.

Galois was very much ahead of his time and misunderstood by the most eminent mathematicians of the era. Doors were thus closed on him each time he was about to meet someone who may have been able to deduce his exceptional flair in the field of algebra, which was still a little-known and scarcely studied subject at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

At just twenty years old, Galois was a cynic, a rebel, a republican and an anti-clerical. He was a partisan of the July Revolution in 1830 end regularly provoked the monarchy of King Louis Philippe (the French king who reigned during the period after the revolution).

In a sanatorium to which he was transferred in order to protect him from the cholera epidemic that ravaged Paris in 1832, he fell in love with a young girl. Her two brothers, claiming that he had brought dishonour upon their sister, challenged him to a duel.

The day before the duel, knowing he faced certain death, he feverishly and urgently wrote out what he called his secret : the theorem which would revolutionize Algebra and Analysis. The theorem is still a focus in the work of many mathematicians and in the research of various sciences, especially astrophysics.

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Presse & Librairie

David Larousserie, Le Monde

« Quant au roman de Jean-Paul Auffray, Icare trahi, il est bien entendu le moins mathématique et le plus humain des trois [livres évoqués]. Très documenté sur l’époque, il retrace la brève vie du jeune Évariste Galois, tout à la fois bon élève de collège, mathématicien en quête de reconnaissance, activiste républicain et amoureux déçu. Ce récit est passionnant ! »

Alain Nicolas, L’Humanité

« On en saura plus en lisant Jean-Paul Auffray. Loin de ses ouvrages savants habituels, il adopte le ton des romans populaires de l’époque, se fait un peu Eugène Sue, et nous donne sur ce thème où la science se mêle à l’aventure un livre qui nous rend cette figure bicentenaire infiniment présente. »

Azar Khalatbari, Sciences et avenir

« Jean-Paul Auffray nous raconte ici le roman de cette vie, haut en couleur, tout en syncope, reconstituant la gouaille du Paris populaire, celle des repris de justice épris de fraternité révolutionnaire, loin des salons feutrés de l’Académie qui ne sut apprécier à sa juste valeur l’œuvre mathématique d’Évariste Galois. »

About the author

Jean-Paul Auffray (ENG)
Jean-Paul Auffray studied physics and mathematics at the University of (...)

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