

This book was awarded the "Prix Librecourt 2006"

Adam Volladier leads a gloomy life, the life of a supermarket accountant without any curiosity for the world around him. One fine day, he discovers his knack for social ubiquity : an astonishing number of people recognize in him an old friend, a lawyer, a tennis partner… Amazed, Adam begins to play with these quite seductive identities. Until the day he becomes Georges Fondel, a known swindler…

Press reviews


« The author delivers a cruel and hilarious description of the life of a 33-year-old loser in search of who he really is. Short, written in a straightforward style serving the plot, Ubiquity sweeps you away, persuades and entertains. »

About the author

Claire Wolniewicz (ENG)
Born in 1966, Claire Wolniewicz is a freelance journalist. She has (...)

Other books by the same author

La Dame à la larme

The Lady of tears

Claire Wolniewicz (ENG)

Paru le 14-04-2011
Terre légère

Light Land

Claire Wolniewicz (ENG)

Paru le 06-05-2009
Le Temps d'une chute

The Time of a fall

Claire Wolniewicz (ENG)

Paru le 18-01-2008

Other Foreign right books

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The Star of the Temple




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