Thrillers/noir Novels

The Unfaithful

Dominique SYLVAIN

While she is preparing a documentary on adultery, Salomé Jolain, a young journalist and rising star for TV24, was brutally murdered. Her body was found in a bin in a square in the XV arrondissement in Paris, a stone’s throw away from the Licorne hotel. Disturbingly, her mobile phone and handheld camera had disappeared. The investigation is entrusted to commanding officer Gabriel Bernier, a brave bobby with a complicated private life, and his Superintendent Gabriel Maze, whose “astounding physique unsettles both the sexes equally”.

The list of suspects contains all the friends and family of the young girl, but one name stands out for the investigators: Alice Kléber, the victim’s aunt and the creator of the website, which provides amateurs of extramarital affairs with excuses and easy key evidence to justify their absences…a link that cannot be a mere coincidence.

About the author

Dominique SYLVAIN
Dominique Sylvain est née le 30 septembre 1957 à Thionville en (...)

Other books by the same author

Une femme de rêve

Woman of my dream

Paru le 05-11-2019


Dominique SYLVAIN

Paru le 28-09-2016
L'Archange du chaos

The Archangel of Chaos

Paru le 09-12-2014
Ombres et soleil

Darkness and Light

Paru le 20-03-2014
Le Roi Lézard

The Lizard King

Paru le 15-03-2012
La Nuit de Geronimo

In The Deep Night Of Geronimo

Paru le 02-03-2009
L'Absence de l'ogre

The Missing Ogre

Paru le 04-05-2007
Manta corridor

Manta corridor

Paru le 17-03-2006
La Fille du samourai

The Samouraï’s daughter

Paru le 15-04-2005
Passage du désir

Passage of desire

Paru le 17-03-2004
Techno bobo

Techno Bohemian

Paru le 16-04-1999

Other Foreign right books

Soleil de juin

Soleil de juin


Thomas Oussin

J'ai 7 ans

I am 7


Laurent Dutheil

Terres brûlées

The Burned Lands


Eric Todenne

L'Étoile du temple

The Star of the Temple




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